Triple Cherry, Sociedad Limitada (Triple Cherry) owns the domains, among others, “”, as well as the web site published and hosted under that domain (hereinafter the web), made available to its users to inform about corporate identity, organization, activities, projects and services.
In accordance with the requirements of the current national legislation on the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, users are informed of the social, tax and registration data of the entity:
Registered Office:
Carrer de les Sureres 1, piso 1º 1ª, CP 46014 Valencia (Spain)
Registration Details:
Registro Mercantil de Valencia (Spain), Tomo 10587, Folio 7, Hoja V-184977
Tax/Vat Number:
Postal Address:
Carrer de les Sureres 1, piso 1º 1ª, CP 46014 Valencia (Spain)
E-mail Address (Contact):