The Valencian studio Triple Cherry and Dotworkers have recently signed a commercial alliance in order to strategically integrate the Spanish developer’s content in all the casinos that the platform represents, thus reaching a wider audience quickly and securely.
Dotworkers is a company specialised in providing B2B services for the iGaming industry and with more than 7 years of experience in B2C. This new relationship with Dotworkers will allow Triple Cherry to accentuate its presence in the Latin American territory.
Dotworkers will have at its disposal a diverse, unique and high quality slots catalogue thanks to Triple Cherry’s brilliant team that is committed to oering a synergy between programming and graphic design that is second to none.
Juan Antonio Galindo, CEO of Triple Cherry, said: “We are very pleased to have established this new partnership with Dotworkers. It is worth noting that the integration process has been very fast and the communication has been very fluid, which has facilitated the work. We believe that this platform will oer us new opportunities in the Latin American market and we hope it will be the starting point of a long relationship together. “
Patricio Broerse, CEO of Dotworkers, said: “At Dotworkers we are pleased to be part of this new alliance with Triple Cherry. This union will open new opportunities in Latin America, expanding our Suite of Games and providing us with greater growth in the market. We are not going to waste all the options we will have, the truth is that we have high expectations with this new project and we will do everything possible to make it a success.”
- Gaming Intelligence Español: https://www.gamingintelligence.com/es/negocios/37836-triple-cherry-alianza-dotworkers/
- Sector del Juego: https://sectordeljuego.com/noticia.php?id=110597
- Casino Beats: https://casinobeats.com/2021/07/27/dotworkers-has-high-expectations-following-triple-cherry-deal/
- Internet Cloning: https://internetcloning.com/dotworkers-to-launch-triple-cherry-online-slots/
- World Casino Directory: https://news.worldcasinodirectory.com/triple-cherry-widens-audience-in-latam-igaming-market-via-new-commercial-alliance-with-dotworkers-95906