The Spanish studio Triple Cherry and the Italian gaming platform Microgame have recently signed a commercial alliance in order to strategically integrate the Spanish developer’s content in all the casinos that the platform represents.
Microgame is the B2B entity with the highest and most capillary territorial presence and represents a rapid access point to the regulated national market. Products and services are designed according to the needs of all actors: gaming operators, distribution networks, aliates and players. Its business model has been focused on the continuous development of solutions particularly ecient for the Italian gaming market.
Triple Cherry will have the opportunity to expand into the Italian market as Microgame will have a new reliable provider with fantastic video slots thanks to Triple Cherry’s team of programmers who are committed to oering an unbeatable synergy between programming and graphic design.
The Triple Cherry business team had the pleasant opportunity to meet the Microgame’s team at the last Enada expo in Rimini (Italy), where they were able to discuss the next steps in their collaboration together.
Juan Antonio Galindo, CEO of Triple Cherry, said: “We are really excited with this collaboration, Microgame is a huge gaming platform and this partnership will allow us to grow in the Italian market. We hope to continue working together for a long time!”.
Marco Castaldo, Microgame CEO, said: “We are extremely satisfied with the close synergy with Triple Cherry which contributes to increasing the quality of Microgame’s gaming offer. Thanks to the signed agreement, we will be able to expand even further our Casino games catalog, which is already the most comprehensive on the Italian market, offering increasingly complete and satisfying gaming experiences able to make a difference on the market“.
- Jamma: https://www.jamma.tv/mercato/continua-a-crescere-il-casino-microgame-accordo-in-esclusiva-con-triple-cherry-277559
- Gioco News: https://casino.gioconews.it/online-2/55590-microgame-continua-a-crescere-il-casino-accordo-in-esclusiva-con-triple-cherry
- Gaming Intelligence: https://www.gamingintelligence.com/es/negocios/alianzas/41400-triple-cherry-microgame/
- European Gaming: https://europeangaming.eu/portal/latest-news/2022/02/17/109489/triple-cherry-partners-with-microgame/
- Gamblers Post: https://www.gamblerspost.com/triple-cherry-integrates-its-slot-titles-with-microgame-platform/
- iGaming Radio: https://igamingradio.com/triple-cherry-partners-with-microgame/
- News Casino New:https://newscasinonew.com/triple-cherry-partners-with-microgame/
- EEgaming: https://eegaming.org/latest-news/2022/02/17/90159/triple-cherry-partners-with-microgame/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=triple-cherry-partners-with-microgame
- Sector del Juego: http://www.sectordeljuego.com/noticia.php?id=112568