Triple Cherry, the Spanish video slots provider, continues its growth by signing a content partnership deal with The No1 aggregator, Pariplay.
Through Pariplay’s extensive network presence across the European regulated markets, Triple Cherry’s expansion plans will receive a significant boost
With a simple and quick integration, Pariplay’s clients will now be able to access some of Triple Cherry’s best performing titles: Joker’s Kingdom, Starfall Mission, Mega Chef, Sugar Frenzy, among many others. All of the themes provide a real immersive and awesome recreational player experience: the brilliant music, the amazing graphics, the features… all contribute to this.
The Triple Cherry team are very excited with this new collaboration. Juan Antonio Galindo, CEO of Triple Cherry, said: “We are delighted with the partnership we have established with Pariplay. The work process with Pariplay has been very fluid and characterized by a great communication between both teams, which has facilitated the joint work. We truly believe that the video slots added to the platform will be loved by Pariplay’s customers”.
Christine Lewis, Chief Commercial Officer at Pariplay added: “We are delighted to partner with Triple Cherry who offer the very best in localised content which is consistent with Pariplay’s regulated market approach and in line with delivering the very best volume of content for our customers. Triple Cherry, as a strong Spanish game provider will undoubtedly strengthen our portfolio in both Spain and also across the rest of Europe.”
- Sector del Juego: http://www.sectordeljuego.com/noticia.php?id=108076
- Sector Gambling: https://www.sectorgambling.com/2021/01/10/triple-cherry-firma-un-acuerdo-con-pariplay/
- Gaming Intelligence Español: https://www.gamingintelligence.com/es/negocios/alianzas/34111-triple-cherry-pariplay/
- G3 Newire: https://g3newswire.com/spain-triple-cherry-secures-distribution-agreement-with-pariplay/
- Games Magazine: https://www.gamesmagazine.biz/mundo/nota/triple-cherry-firma-acuerdo-de-distribucin-con-pariplay
- GGB News: https://ggbnews.com/article/triple-cherry-signs-distribution-agreement-with-pariplay/
- Real Money Action: https://www.realmoneyaction.com/triple-cherry-expands-market-influence-with-pariplay/
- E-Play Online: https://e-playonline.com/triple-cherry-secures-a-distribution-agreement-with-leading-aggregator-pariplay/