Triple Cherry, the spanish slot developer, has recently signed a collaboration agreement to make its high quality content available for BetConstruct clients.
This agreement aims to increase Triple Cherry’s presence in the world of online gaming as well as providing BetConstruct with incredible diversified video slots content.
Triple Cherry’s gaming portfolio consists of slots with attractive math models and imaginative designs, some of these created using 3D technology.
Carnaval do Rio, Monsters fear Bullets, Mega Chef and the latest release Starfall Mission…. are just some of the top games that have been made available for BetConstruct customers.
BetConstruct is a global award-winning technology and services provider for online and land-based gaming industry. BetConstruct’s innovative and proven offerings include Online and Retails Sportsbook, Classic and Virtual Reality RNG & Live Casinos, Poker, Skill Games, Fantasy Sports, Social Gaming Platform, Sports Data Solutions and more – all ready to be launched and managed through SpringBME, its pioneering Business Management Environment.
Juan Antonio Galindo, CEO of Triple Cherry, commented: “We are very excited to be able to collaborate with such a great and experienced company as BetConstruct. We believe that making our games available to BetConstruct clients will generate a high growth of our business”.
Commenting the partnership with Triple Cherry , Edgar Mkrtchyan , CPO of BetConstruct said: “ Another great addition of stunning slots to our portfolio. Triple Cherry is a credible provider of games recognized in Europe that develops outstanding and high quality slots with various 3D Style Arts and Bonuses “
- Casino Beats: https://www.casinobeats.com/2020/05/04/triple-cherry-and-betconstruct-enter-collaboration/
- World Casino News: https://news.worldcasinodirectory.com/triple-cherry-inks-betconstruct-integration-alliance-80304
- Sector del Juego: http://www.sectordeljuego.com/noticia.php?id=105050
- Global Gaming Journal: http://globalgamingjournal.com/triple-cherry-inks-betconstruct-integration-alliance/
- Gaming Intelligence Español: https://www.gamingintelligence.com/es/negocios/alianzas/30185-triple-cherry-firma-un-acuerdo-de-contenido-con-betconstruct/
- SBC Noticias: https://sbcnoticias.com/triple-cherry-integra-sus-juegos-de-video-tragamonedas-con-betconstruct/
- Azar Plus: https://www.azarplus.com/triple-cherry-firma-un-acuerdo-de-distribucion-de-contenido-con-betconstruct/
- European Gaming: https://europeangaming.eu/portal/press-releases/2020/05/19/70874/triple-cherry-signs-content-distribution-agreement-with-betconstruct/
- Casino Listings: https://www.casinolistings.com/news/2020/05/triple-cherry-signs-content-agreement-with-betconstruct
- SIGMA News: https://sigma.com.mt/latest-news/triplecherry-signs-content-distribution-agreement-with-betconstruct/
- Real Money Action: https://www.realmoneyaction.com/triple-cherry-titles-go-live-with-betconstruct/
- News Casino New: https://newscasinonew.com/triple-cherry-signs-content-distribution-agreement-with-betconstruct/
- Gamblers Post: https://www.gamblerspost.com/betconstruct-teams-with-triple-cherry-to-enhance-games-library/
- Sector Gambling: https://www.sectorgambling.com/2020/05/20/triple-cherry-firma-un-acuerdo-con-betconstruct/